Well planned and executed content creation is designed to deliver compelling and readable experiences. From clear messages to eye-catching graphics, engaging your audiences is key.
Customer Case studies
Case studies are a meaningful way to to expand your product or service features and benefit descriptions in greater ‘real world’ details.
Authentic examples of real customer stories and how they used your product creates engaging content by using real people, problems and solutions.
Break up the text with images, customer brief video clips, pull quotes and infographics used sparingly.
Newsjacking: Good and Bad
Having your content include relevant topical news keeps the content fresh and appeals to wider audiences.
Beware though of newsjacking or piggy backing on trending topics for page views as this can rightly be perceived as cynical behaviour and backfire.

In this example Epicurious a food and recipe brand, part of the Condé Nast publishing empire sent out a tweet piggy backing on the Boston Marathon bombing and had to apologise for their insensitivity.
There are plenty of examples of newsjacking done well where the brand and audiences share the creative magic of the moment as the news story until it peaks and the news cycle moves on.

For example on 16th July ’18 Transport for London renamed a north London tube station with sponsorship from Visa in honour of England’s best World Cup performance in 28 years. This feel good creative marketing rides the goodwill crest for the young England players and manager successfully.

For the short duration when the station signs were changed the public feedback has been very positive.
Finding topical content that can meaningfully connect to your business or website needs planning, humour and sensitivity.
If you get the balance wrong you might be perceived as too opportunistic and you could generate negative reactions.
However, creative and unexpected content creation with a sense of humour done well can help win customers and help grow awareness of your brand.
See more from Editorial Consultancy including Content Migration, Content Curation and Navigation